A Community Catalyst is a person that accelerates systemic change in their community and/or bioregion. They do so by working collectively, taking on complementary roles and engaging the wider community in the identification and activation of leverage points of the ecosocial transformation needed to embed place-based regenerative cultures at the local scale..” Community Catalysts Consortium, 2023


Potential and current Community Catalysts share certain characteristics from a decolonial perspective:

  • Place-based people who have the capability to tap into local knowledge and local wisdom.
  • Interconnecting of different key elements; capable of weaving the critical yeast that reconciles the polarities embedded in the community;
  • Able to conduct change; with ability to lead, manage and sustain complexity and transformation;
  • Intentionally moving towards regenerative cultures; embodying virtuous cycles and able to navigate serendipity;
  • Adaptive, with resilience skills; resilient enough to confront uncertainty and unknown with ease.