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Place-based Community Identity

  • Each community is unique - where is it based, who inhabits it, which resources and skills are there, what are the relationships between different elements and systems, etc. This diversity can be observed in everything around us since the beginning of time.
  • Globalisation, which modifies cultures, politics and the overall development of countries, reconfiguring the world into a global nation, has been inducing social uniformity and standardisation in a world where cultural violence is created during the globalisation of the human imaginary in order to make it fit a global purpose. This violence has materialized in structures such as institutions, economy, laws and even architecture, agriculture and other human endeavours.
  • This violence, which underpins culture and society, is known as structural violence (Johan Galtung).
  • The structure in which the current globalised culture stands lacks empowerment and accountability, both leading to increasing structural violence and lack of participation.

#07 - Tree half alive representing the values necessary to thrive (Dolors Quiles, 2022)

Image 06: Tree half alive representing the values necessary to thrive (Dolors Quiles, 2022)

  • A regenerative approach implies the willingness to disinvest in degenerative practices so that diversity can thrive again, as well as the patterns of thinking and behaviour that got us here. 


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